Bell Wealth Management Group Experiences Record Growth with Executive Coaching
While Bell was no stranger to financial planning, he found running a company demanding. The day-to-day management was new, and he frequently reached out to colleagues for advice. As the pressures of his growing business intensified, it became apparent that he needed someone to help develop operational processes and align strategic goals for the company.
Buy Box Experts Utilizes Strategic HR Services to Improve Employee Efficiency
As a company that manages a virtual workforce, Buy Box Experts experienced difficulties with the day-to-day management of their employees. Between hiring, onboarding, training, coaching, tracking payroll and vacations, and dealing with performance assessments, Hansen was frequently pulled away from business development to manage HR related activities. So, after interviewing several HR consultants, Hansen selected Phil Romm and Growth Solutions Team Strategic HR Services.
Diversified Site Works Develops Focused Business Plan To Work Smarter, NOT Harder.
In 2020, amidst a global pandemic, John Callahan, President of Diversified Site Works, found himself and his team focused on capitalizing on as many new projects and bids for his company as possible. “We were sending out two or more bids a day! The workload was tremendous in trying to get all of the bids out and cost estimates correct as we tried to bring in business,” Callahan explained. While business appeared to be growing, Callahan wondered if they were doing things efficiently. “We were spending way too much time with three people dedicated nearly full-time to bidding. We didn’t even have enough time to follow up and build relationships with the jobs we were bidding. If we won we won, and that’s when we decided it was time to change,” remarked Callahan. Enter Growth Solutions Team (GST) into the mix. With the guidance and consulting of the Growth Solutions Team, Callahan began to look at their organization and identify inefficiencies, which would improve their overall operation and financial picture.
Greenleaf Construction Utilizes Strategic HR Services to Improve Business Relations with Employees
When a business is growing at a rapid rate, its very easy to continue to absorb tasks, rather than looking for other solutions. That’s precisely what happened to George Brown. In 2016, Brown was feeling overwhelmed. His business was growing rapidly and his plate was overloaded with to-do’s. So, at the advice of his Executive Coach, he began tracking his time to see what was monopolizing his time.
Jones Advisory Recognizes Increased Revenues and While Improving Sales
Since taking over Jones Advisory in 2016, Stephanie Drane has had a fresh perspective on the future of the financial firm. While the company was successful, she evaluated the clientele of the business, and realized that a significant number of clients had been with the practice since its inception. Their growth was slowly tapering off due to the attrition of older clients retiring and she wanted to put her efforts into growing the business and acquiring new clients. She knew she needed a marketing plan, and she needed guidance to make the plan come to fruition.
North Central Insurance Agency Energizes Family Business
The past several years the company experienced relatively flat growth. “Each year we were gaining new customers but losing just as many, which was really frustrating,” said Hannah. “So I tried to find new ways to be innovative and increase accounts,” she said. “We needed a different way to think about our business, because the industry in general has changed so much,” she added.
Baltimore Fabrication Doubles Revenues and Improves Sales Efficiency
After starting their company, Rich and Foreman reached out to friends and colleagues regularly to mentor them through various situations regarding their new business venture. As time passed, the first-time business owners realized they needed a more consistent sounding board that would advise them and push them in the direction they needed to be going. After being introduced to David Kelly by a friend, they decided that Executive Coaching with Growth Solutions Team could benefit them and help them focus on increasing sales revenues.
Ross Albers Improves Business Strategy While Maximizing Growth
When Albers began his own practice, like many new firms, he had to take just about any case he could. Initially, most of his cases originated from panel work which gave him a lot of visibility in the legal community, but required him to travel extensively across the State defending cases, while not generating much income. The frustrations of not working “smart” started to set in, and a colleague who was working with Growth Solutions Team suggested he talk to them.
Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic Experiences Rapid Growth and Success
Dr. Gulitz moved to Baltimore in 2012 from Las Vegas. As a transplant to the area, and just opening his practice, he had little experience with sales, marketing, and the day-to-day operations of running a business. He strived to have comprehensive patient care driven by excellent customer service, yet he soon realized he was ‘treading water’ with his business tactics. “I wasn’t enjoying my business working 80 hours a week,” stated Gulitz, “I may have even been losing money.” While he admits that he had issues growing the practice, he didn’t think he needed a coach.
Lifestream Health Center Improves Operational Efficiency
When Dr. Merritt purchased Lifestream Health Center, she had visions of running and expanding the successful practice. She currently has 11 people on her team, including medical assistants, scribes, administrative staff, and a nurse practitioner. The large team is necessary for the patient volume they see, but she recognized a need to implement repeatable processes for staff so that the clinic runs smoothly. Pain management clinics are often associated with high costs and a lot of staff, meaning Merritt also needed guidance to overcome some of the inherent issues.
Small Business Advisory Program Helps Saul Bookkeeping Expand And Grow With Purpose
After almost a decade in business, Pam Saul recognized that her steady growth had allowed her to re-evaluate her business and how she managed her clients. “I was floundering. I needed to know how to be a business owner,” she remarked. What began in 2011 with just two clients, by early 2020, had grown to about 20 clients, and Pam also had an employee. “I realized this wasn’t just a side gig, and this was becoming a business. But I’m a numbers person, and I didn’t know anything about running a business.” So, she started wondering about making changes to her business operations.